Monday, March 12, 2007

Polytx/Walter Reed

3/12/2007, On the second year of the domestic Iraq war, military lads who felt a tad smug riding in icons of the rich who could afford over $70,000 a copy, died like bugs stuck on fly paper. Veterans in Iraq, and mothers and fathers back home were outraged, cried out for armament on Humvees.

The War Departments was slow as molasses in Antarctica. Consequently, creative enlisted "choppers" welded sheet steel to these vehicles in attempts to give themselves better odds against the grim reaper.

The military's identical situation appertained with bulletproof vests. Again, government dragged it's feet. Mothers and fathers back home dug into their own pockets, bought armored vests for their offspring in the military and sent same to Iraq in the hope of family immortality.

Veterans deserve the best America offers. What that means to this War Two vet is freedom of choice, just like the president, congress, senate and federal workers have, treatment at the Mayo Clinic, Baylor Medical in Houston and Galveston, and sharing the legerdemain wielded by other medical magicians at Johns Hopkins, including those enclaves of medical excellence in New York, Boston, Chicago and California.

Why did Washington politicos build military hospitals in the first place? Because the very best costs money and military hospitals, long noted as learning places for physicians and surgeons, could do it on the cheap. Military hospitals have never had the best doctors in America, and are unlikely to , in future, when superlative surgeons and physicians automatically become millionaires on the outside.

Most of the fat cats in Senate, House, and Presidency, in the VFW, the legion, have never fought for superior medical tratment for woulded vets...unless someone pointed the spotlight at political cockroach nests like Walter Reed. It's high time military hospitals were completely phased out of existence, and veterans were alllowed to seek specialists and civilian hospitals of their own choice.

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